Dear Gun Rights People

Dear Gun Rights People

Let’s get something done. Here’s what I propose. Let’s restrict access to semi-automatic rifles and magazines that hold more than 10 rounds. Let’s require universal background checks. Would doing so stop all gun violence? Of course not. But it would help....
Proxy Icons

Proxy Icons

If you know me you know that I’m a fan of Apple and most of their products. But lest you think I never find fault with them, let me tell you about the goddamn proxy icons. What they did to me, and to all Mac users, in November of 2020 was truly irritating. It was a...
Whoopi Is Wrong–Not An Antisemite

Whoopi Is Wrong–Not An Antisemite

Whoopi Goldberg really stepped in it on The View earlier this week when she said that the Holocaust was “not about race” but rather about “man’s inhumanity to man.”  Let’s establish right off the bat–she is wrong. More on that in a minute.  What could she be thinking?...
This Article Is Bullshirt

This Article Is Bullshirt

It’s the ultimate clickbait. And, yeah, I took the bait. But I just can’t let this one go. In the steaming pile of bullshirt that is this article, Jake Peterson tells us exactly why You Should Just Switch To Android Already. Apple, Peterson concedes, makes things that...
I Think It’s Over

I Think It’s Over

American democracy, that is. I honestly think it’s very likely over. We are sliding–in slow motion but inexorably–toward authoritarianism. We are drifting toward a future America where we no longer have elections. In their place, we will have “elections.” Kind of like...
Chris Hayes and I Realize Things

Chris Hayes and I Realize Things

It was with some satisfaction that I watched Chris Hayes on tv earlier this evening explain how he has now come to the same conclusion that I arrived at long ago: the pro-life movement isn’t really about “life” as its adherents say, but rather about controlling...