by Scott Feldstein | Monday, June 26, 2023 | music
After seeing this.
by Scott Feldstein | Thursday, January 26, 2023 | politics, rants
This may be the best bit of political punditry that I have ever seen. Friends, if you have spent any of the last six years confused by American politics, let our man Matthew Dowd enlighten...
by Scott Feldstein | Saturday, January 7, 2023 | politics, rants
My interest in US politics lately has mostly been just waiting for the department of justice to indict someone–anyone–for their role in planning the 2020 coup attempt. I’m not sure what outcome it will bring, but I feel those indictments must come or the DOJ...
by Scott Feldstein | Saturday, November 12, 2022 | music, tech
I’m a two bass guitar guy. One is definitely not enough, but three seems like maybe too much. So I try to cover as much ground as I can between the two I have. Bass number one is a standard scale passive four-string jazz bass. That’s my Sire Marcus Miller...
by Scott Feldstein | Wednesday, November 9, 2022 | politics
Remember back in July when I wrote that America will solve its gun violence problem when David Hogg is speaker of the House? I wasn’t kidding. And this is how it begins. Congratulations to Maxwell Frost, 25, and the people of central Florida who just elected him...