

To each and every US Representative and Senator who has repeated Trump’s lie about the election being stolen: Resign.  Immediately. I don’t believe for one moment that any of you are stupid enough to believe that the claims about election fraud are true. (But if I’m...
Things Happened This Week And I Have Questions

Things Happened This Week And I Have Questions

Anything interesting happen this week? Let’s get into it. I’m no legal expert, but it seems to me that if someone threatens an election official to get them to commit fraud and also commits sedition by inciting people to violent insurrection against the...
Oreo Thins: Do We Need This?

Oreo Thins: Do We Need This?

Have you tried Oreo Thins? They’re just like the name says: Oreo cookies only at least 50% thinner. Now, you might be thinking what the fuck is this some kind of diet Oreo? Let me explain. Oreo Thins are just better than the original Oreo cookies.  Why, you might ask?...
This Is The Way

This Is The Way

If you ever loved anything about Star Wars, know this: The Mandalorian is the best thing to happen to the franchise since the 1980s. It’s not change-your-life in epic magnitude, but it manages to do what it does almost without any wrong notes.  Speaking of which, even...
A WWII Story You May Not Have Heard

A WWII Story You May Not Have Heard

I was thinking about Abraham Wald today. If the stories can be believed, he was kind of a war hero in WWII, although I don’t think he got any medals for it. I don’t know how much of it is apocryphal and how much is verified fact, but this is my understanding of his...