The governor’s stay-home order has been struck down by the state supreme court. I don’t know if that was rightly decided or not and I guess I don’t much care. I’m only sorry that the decision to “open up” happened in such a partisan, conflicted way. Just one more reminder that we are not in this together.

And for the record, I’m not mad at the people who choose to go out to restaurants and bars now. I’m not mad at business owners who are opening up shop. Of course we have to do those things. Last week, next week. At some point we had to. We’ve always known that.

What I am mad about is that our government didn’t take those weeks that we all spent at home and use them to ramp up a testing and tracing and isolating plan. Having those things in place is what makes it safer to go back out. That was what the stay at home time was for. And as far as I can tell our government took that time and absolutely squandered it. All that time that people bought with their jobs and their businesses and our government did nothing with it.

So now we go back to work and out to eat and wherever else we want to go, but without the safety benefits that our sacrifices were supposed to have bought us. That’s what I’m mad about.