I have never believed that you can exercise your way to weight loss. Eating fewer calories is far more important. Still, I think it can play an important supporting role. Besides, everyone should exercise for their health even if no weight loss is desired.
I have become quite sedentary over the last two years. That has to stop. And doing something good for myself only motivates me to do other good things for myself. It’s a virtuous cycle. If I feel good about myself because I have exercised, I will be more likely to eat well, too. One good thing brings out another. So it’s settled. Increased activity will be a new part of my routine.
There are some challenges, though. My lungs are not in great shape. Being an ex-smoker is one thing, but throw COVID on top of that and … it’s not great. Also, my back. I have had chronic back problems for thirty years and this extra weight really exacerbates things. Whatever I do, it will have to be forgiving of these issues.
So, walking it is. It’s low impact. I won’t need any equipment or special clothes. I don’t need to get in the car and go anywhere to do it. And I find it enjoyable, even meditative. I’m thinking no more than one mile to start. Like, from here to Tochi Ramen and back. Or just a loop around the downtown section of the river, like here to Veteran’s to MOWA, to 33, and back home via Main Street. And not every day. But most days. Probably right after work. Or afternoons on weekends.
This is the plan.
Update: I just did take the short walking loop around the river. It’s a start.