by Scott Feldstein | Sunday, January 19, 2020 | music
So the Jazz bass is great. The electronics are good, it’s got that bitey, growly sound, heavy on the upper mids, that the Jazz basses are known for. And I think there’s no denying that it looks quite sexy in all black thanks to the aftermarket pick guard I...
by Scott Feldstein | Tuesday, January 7, 2020 | music
It was delivered to the office shortly after lunch. I only had a minute to remove it from the case and put it on a stand to warm up. (I figure it had been in warehouses or the backs of trucks for a week.) The string tension had been backed way off for shipment, but I...
by Scott Feldstein | Saturday, January 4, 2020 | music
If I could have a new bass guitar what kind would I get? How about a Stingray? Or maybe a Lakland. Wait, I know. A Fender Jazz bass. A five-stringer, obviously. As a practical matter I wouldn’t likely pony up for the American Ultra. They want (and get) over $2,000 for...
by Scott Feldstein | Saturday, November 23, 2019 | music, rants
I recently wrote about the state of my music equipment. One of the things I was dissatisfied with was my bass guitars. Neither one was making me too happy. Well, today I fixed one of them. I bought my Warwick Rockbass Corvette $$ 5-string bass used off Ebay. I was in...
by Scott Feldstein | Wednesday, July 24, 2019 | music, tech
I’ve realized over the past few days that I’m quite unhappy with the state of my bass gear. As you may know, I’ve been playing electric bass guitar in rock bands of various types for most of the last 35 years. Let’s do a July 2019 equipment rundown. The good news. My...
by Scott Feldstein | Monday, December 24, 2018 | music
I really dig these guys. Also, that bass player is my new hero.