Arrival of the Fittest

Arrival of the Fittest

I love my AirPods. I use them just about every day, mainly at work for phone calls. I don’t hear so well after playing bass in rock bands for most of the last 35 years and having the sound source directly in my ear is a huge help to me. Plus, it’s cool to...
The Mini Board: Birth Of An Idea

The Mini Board: Birth Of An Idea

I have a new tuner on order. It’s a genuine Peterson strobe tuner in pedal form with a big display. It’s called the StroboStomp HD and I think it’s going to be epic. Or at least as epic as a tuner can get. For one thing, it think I’m going to...
BTB First Impressions

BTB First Impressions

So the BTB745 has landed. How is it? Well, the electronicals all electronicate. I’m surprised that the bridge pickup sounds kinda usable when soloed. I doubt I would ever do that, but it’s not a completely trash sound. Overall, this instrument does not...
Ibanez BTB745

Ibanez BTB745

It’s time to admit that the Fender Jazz isn’t the bass of my dreams. I bought it to be my new daily driver, my primary bass, so that my Warwick could be my secondary. I knew immediately it would not be my main squeeze. And it’s time to admit that it...
For Those About To Rock

For Those About To Rock

Forty years ago AC/DC released Back In Black, their first album since lead singer Bon Scott tragically passed away. It was unknown how well his replacement, Brian Johnson, would fill the position. When the album was released, the issue was settled. It was AC/DC’s...