by Scott Feldstein | Saturday, December 26, 2020 | food, rants
Have you tried Oreo Thins? They’re just like the name says: Oreo cookies only at least 50% thinner. Now, you might be thinking what the fuck is this some kind of diet Oreo? Let me explain. Oreo Thins are just better than the original Oreo cookies. Why, you might ask?...
by Scott Feldstein | Saturday, July 11, 2020 | food, movies & tv, rants
This post is the first in a series I’m calling “YouTube.” Each post will be about a YouTube channel that I watch. It may also be about how content on YouTube is different than other streaming video content. Sam The Cooking Guy is one of my go-to...
by Scott Feldstein | Sunday, May 3, 2020 | food, rants
You know what I miss? Grocery shopping. You know, finding a parking spot in your usual location. Grabbing a cart. Meandering through every aisle. Getting the things on your list. Getting some things that aren’t on your list. And maybe even picking up things to make a...
by Scott Feldstein | Saturday, April 20, 2019 | food, rants
It was Good Friday and I had the day off. The only work-related thing I had to do was to have a phone conversation at 1 PM with a potential customer. My boss was to be on the call too so she asked me to bring lunch and drop by her place. But what would she, I, and her...
by Scott Feldstein | Sunday, March 10, 2019 | food
There’s a lot of good food in this town. Let’s break it down. Top Shelf The Norbert. Small plates. Maybe the best food in town. Try the fish tacos. So good. Make a reservation or you’re out of luck. Tochi Ramen. Noodle joint. Literally everything is good here. Do not...