by Scott Feldstein | Tuesday, December 7, 2021 | politics, rants
American democracy, that is. I honestly think it’s very likely over. We are sliding–in slow motion but inexorably–toward authoritarianism. We are drifting toward a future America where we no longer have elections. In their place, we will have “elections.” Kind of like...
by Scott Feldstein | Thursday, December 2, 2021 | politics, rants
It was with some satisfaction that I watched Chris Hayes on tv earlier this evening explain how he has now come to the same conclusion that I arrived at long ago: the pro-life movement isn’t really about “life” as its adherents say, but rather about controlling...
by Scott Feldstein | Tuesday, November 30, 2021 | rants, tech
Common wisdom used to be that Apple’s Mac computers were “premium priced.” Which is a nice way of saying that you don’t get as much bang for your buck as you do with a Windows computer. I think there was always an element of truth to that, especially if you just went...
by Scott Feldstein | Sunday, November 28, 2021 | politics, rants
Something is wrong with Americans. Many of them, anyway. I’m not even going to get into the Q-anon nuts, even though some people estimate that they may comprise as many as 25% of Trump supporters. No, I’m talking about the fifty million people who believe the 2020...
by Scott Feldstein | Friday, November 19, 2021 | politics, rants
Seemingly everyone expected he would be acquitted, and now he has been. Was it the right verdict? Maybe. Within the narrow purview of whether Rittenhouse could conceivably claim self defense, maybe. But that only shows that our self defense laws themselves are deeply...