by Scott Feldstein | Saturday, August 6, 2022 | music
My Ibanez BTB745 is scratching my five-string active bass itch so well right now that I’ve begun to look at the Warwick differently. Now, it’s my rock bass, with its big passive humbuckers. But in that regard it’s kind of “metal” and not very retro. I want a simple...
by Scott Feldstein | Tuesday, July 19, 2022 | politics, rants
Let’s start here: the Second Amendment to the Constitution is bullshit–twice over. First of all, the modern interpretation of it really only began in the 70s. For the prior 200 years no one thought it was guaranteeing individuals the right to own firearms. It was...
by Scott Feldstein | Monday, May 30, 2022 | politics, rants
Evangelicals weren’t always the anti-choice, single-issue voters they are today. In fact, they used to be moderately pro-choice. Believe it or not, the NRA hasn’t always been concerned with the second amendment. It’s purview was once limited to “firearms safety...
by Scott Feldstein | Saturday, May 28, 2022 | music, tech
Update: 18 December 2022. I decided to make a whole separate website on this topic. Click here to visit Broke-ass Guitars. Introduction (tl;dr – For years I didn’t know how to do my own setups, now I kinda do, and here’s how I do it. Now you can skip...
by Scott Feldstein | Thursday, May 26, 2022 | politics, rants
Let’s get something done. Here’s what I propose. Let’s restrict access to semi-automatic rifles and magazines that hold more than 10 rounds. Let’s require universal background checks. Would doing so stop all gun violence? Of course not. But it would help....