

I’m not big on “alternative” web browsers. Back when I was the administrator of Marquette’s eLearning platform I actually had a student call in to support to complain that the application didn’t work correctly with his IceWeasel browser....
More On Quitting

More On Quitting

You’d think that by week three of not smoking I’d be feeling pretty great. But the truth is, I feel like shit. I have sinus congestion. My allergies appear to be worse. I cough quite a bit, still. I’m always on edge. And I have dizzy spells. These are particularly bad...
I Quit

I Quit

I quit smoking. Aside from a five year period in my mid-30s, I’ve smoked for pretty much the last three decades. But I have quit again. This is day 15, and everything has gone pretty well so far–except a week ago Saturday. I don’t know what happened. I had...
New MacBook, One Problem

New MacBook, One Problem

I recently replaced my four year old 11” MacBook Air  with a new (but refurbished) 12” MacBook. It’s nice to be using something that’s practically new. The controversial butterfly keyboard? I think mine is a redesign, because it’s fantastic. The keys have a very short...
Google Home and Chromecast Audio

Google Home and Chromecast Audio

I discovered something annoying about the Google Home products: None of them have a wired audio out. I use my M-Audio studio monitors as the speakers for my TV, but I was going to get a sound bar instead and then repurpose the monitors for the Mini or the Hub. Once I...