by Scott Feldstein | Saturday, January 25, 2020 | rants
I ordered a .5 degree shim from stewmac. I arrived a few days ago, but I like to do this kind of work on weekends. My apartment is kind of dark and there’s more light during the day. So today I bit the bullet and took the neck off. The shim fit well and all the...
by Scott Feldstein | Tuesday, January 21, 2020 | politics, rants
For the love of all that is holy, stop it. I continually see people, Democrats and Republicans, casually explain that Clinton lost the 2016 election because…(pick your favorite reason) She was a lousy campaigner Bernie stayed in too long and didn’t support her enough...
by Scott Feldstein | Sunday, January 19, 2020 | music
So the Jazz bass is great. The electronics are good, it’s got that bitey, growly sound, heavy on the upper mids, that the Jazz basses are known for. And I think there’s no denying that it looks quite sexy in all black thanks to the aftermarket pick guard I...
by Scott Feldstein | Tuesday, January 7, 2020 | music
It was delivered to the office shortly after lunch. I only had a minute to remove it from the case and put it on a stand to warm up. (I figure it had been in warehouses or the backs of trucks for a week.) The string tension had been backed way off for shipment, but I...
by Scott Feldstein | Saturday, January 4, 2020 | music
If I could have a new bass guitar what kind would I get? How about a Stingray? Or maybe a Lakland. Wait, I know. A Fender Jazz bass. A five-stringer, obviously. As a practical matter I wouldn’t likely pony up for the American Ultra. They want (and get) over $2,000 for...