Waiting for a Vaccine

Waiting for a Vaccine

Contrary to the 45th president of the United States of America, the virus isn’t going to go away “by itself.” If there’s a lull in the infection rate in July and August–and that’s a big if–there’s every reason to think that it will...
What I’m Mad About

What I’m Mad About

The governor’s stay-home order has been struck down by the state supreme court. I don’t know if that was rightly decided or not and I guess I don’t much care. I’m only sorry that the decision to “open up” happened in such a...
May 13th Walk

May 13th Walk

I went for a walk after work this evening. After exiting my building I turned left so as to avoid the people who would be standing around outside Sal’s waiting for pizzas. So I walked south down Main Street, thinking I’d cut over on Water street, cross the...
Pandemic Thoughts

Pandemic Thoughts

It’s day 43 since I began observing Governor Evers’ “safer-at-home” order (although technically he only issued it 42 days ago). Things change quickly and events that happened just a few weeks ago seem like another life. So I thought I would memorialize where I think...
Grocery Shopping

Grocery Shopping

You know what I miss? Grocery shopping. You know, finding a parking spot in your usual location. Grabbing a cart. Meandering through every aisle. Getting the things on your list. Getting some things that aren’t on your list. And maybe even picking up things to make a...