Death of a Cheap Keurig

Death of a Cheap Keurig

My “Keurig K-Compact Single-Serve K-Cup Pod Coffee Maker (Imperial Red)” died a few days ago. The electronics just stopped working. When I plug it in, every light lights up (which is weird), and the buttons are non-responsive. So I ordered a new one. But...


I have been reading, writing, and thinking a lot lately and I have come to some clarity about American politics over the course of my lifetime. The anti-government tendencies on display for the last forty years are nothing but a backlash against the civil rights...
Why I’m Smiling Like A Son Of A Bitch

Why I’m Smiling Like A Son Of A Bitch

I was in a panic today earlier at work. I had a couple of Zoom meetings coming up and I needed some water to have nearby. (Those of you who talk as much as I do for a living know what I’m saying.) So I went to the fridge and grabbed a can of sparkling water, but there...
I’m so done with Bill Maher

I’m so done with Bill Maher

I’ve just about had it with Bill Maher. I have never agreed with him on everything, but he’s always been funny, smart, and occasionally pretty insightful. This is why I clicked on a clip of his monolog from a recent episode of his show. As a result of that viewing, I...